From Heartbreak to Holistic Healing

Welcome! I’m sharing my story here as a reminder that you are not alone, that your suffering is not in vain, and that peace and healing are possible. Like many, I’ve faced moments of deep grief and heartbreak, and my journey to peace and happiness wasn’t straightforward. I had to experiment with different healing modalities, each of which helped me overcome unique challenges. I’ve detailed those steps here for you, but feel free to read only the parts that resonate with you.

Today, I’m an energy healer, yoga and meditation teacher, and spiritual coach. I work with conscious, heart-centered leaders who are on their own deep healing journeys. Have you reached a point where you realize that everything you wish to create and connect with is on the other side of deep inner work? If so, I’d love to use the lessons from my path to help guide you toward profound alignment of your body, mind, and spirit.

If you’d like to chat, click here and schedule a free 20-minute discovery call: 

Release Trapped Emotions

Get free, unlimited access to this Masterclass Replay, where you’ll learn how to let go of negative emotions that have gotten trapped inside your aura and your physical body, by using:

  • Gentle Yoga
  • Guided Meditation and
  • Distance Energy Healing
Figure of women representing balancing of chakras

Fifteen years ago, my parents passed away

Their passing was devastating – I missed them terribly and I felt completely adrift, not sure who I was anymore. It was as if losing both of them at the same time had somehow erased my identity. At that time, I was a young mom with two little boys. And I remember wondering how I was going to survive the grief while still being there for them. I knew if I repressed my sadness, buried these heavy feelings, and pretended my heart was not broken, that my grief would express itself in unhealthy and destructive ways that could hurt my family. So I made the conscious decision to go through the heartbreak rather than try to avoid it – I committed to fully and intentionally experience the sadness of my parents’ passing, and to use the tools at my disposal to heal, completely and holistically: yoga, meditation and energy work. 

Are you currently experiencing heartbreak and wish you could just move through it and come out on the other side, feeling happy and healthy? Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

My first yoga class blows my mind 

But let me go back to the beginning: during one of my very first yoga classes, in my mid-twenties, I had an out-of-body experience while we chanted the sound “OM”. It was a mind-blowing experience: I felt a powerful vibration and spinning sensation inside and outside my body, as if my Spirit was waking up, shaking uncontrollably within the confines of my physical form, and at the same time, it felt like the whole Universe was spinning at lightning speed all around me. This was a defining moment in my life, but I kept it close to my heart and did not tell anyone about it. I kept attending yoga classes regularly, gaining the physical and mental benefits – but always with the knowledge in the back of my mind that powerful invisible energies were at play.

Have you ever felt energy shifts, pulses and vibrations inside your being? Were they confusing or scary? Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

I use somatic practices to release emotions that are stuck in my body 

Fast forward 15 years: I have a corporate job I enjoy, I’m married and we have 2 little boys. I go to yoga class once a week, every Thursday evening at a local yoga studio. Yoga is a fun, casual part of my life. But then my parents get sick and eventually, after much pain and suffering, they both pass away within a few months of each other. They are gone, but my children and my husband still need me and so I commit to fully surviving the grief. I begin by embracing my yoga practice. I’ve heard that yoga can help release stuck emotions and I want this grief to pass right through me and not get trapped inside my body. 

I attend lots of yoga classes and workshops, I visit different studios and meet with various teachers. I also practice at home and experiment with how poses and sequences make me feel. Every day I use yoga to bring awareness to my emotions: Am I experiencing sadness, frustration, anger today? Is this feeling trapped inside my body? If so, how can I use movement to release it? Yoga becomes for me a somatic practice of radical self-awareness. And I find that the energy starts to move and shift and when the grief finally leaves my body, I burst into tears at the relief of it. 

Do you wonder if maybe sadness or anger have gotten stuck inside your body and you’re looking for ways to release it so you can finally let go of physical, emotional and spiritual pain? Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

How I stopped crying, sitting on the floor inside my closet

Next I decide to teach myself sitting meditation. I sit on the floor in our walk-in closet and try to clear my mind. Mostly, I’m just sitting there crying, tears streaming down my face, sad and heartbroken. But eventually there are these moments when I finally feel peaceful and grounded. I let go of past sadness and future worries, and I’m just present and calm. At first, these moments only last an instant and then the grief comes right back. But after a while, I’m able to hold on to these quiet moments for several seconds, and I get to enjoy the stillness and the silence. My thoughts, so chaotic, sad and angry at first, start to settle. I find peace inside my own mind… and then joy and happiness… and then eventually – bliss.

Do you sometimes sit and cry alone and wish you could let go of the stress and overwhelm, so you can feel happy and peaceful again? Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

I quit my corporate job

Work doesn’t fulfill me anymore, so I quit my corporate job and sign up for Yoga Teacher Training. And it’s an intensive one: 12-hour days for many weeks. We begin each morning with 2 hours of silent sitting meditation. I know I can find moments of bliss but now I learn how to expand them to last more than just a few seconds. We do hours and hours of yoga every day, some relaxing, some very challenging. Heavy dark emotions pass right through me, getting released from my body – nothing is getting stuck anymore. I become more aware of the energy that flows within. I feel pulses, vibrations and spinning sensations and my out-of-body experience from years before comes back to the forefront of my mind. 

If your current professional situation doesn’t fulfill you anymore and you’re wondering if the Universe is whispering that it might be the right time to make a major shift… Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

It seems every time I look at the clock it’s 1:11 or 11:11 

Life becomes full of interesting and mind-boggling coincidences and synchronicities. I see Angel Numbers everywhere. Words pop out all around me, on passing trucks or on the sides of buildings, like answers to my questions. Song lyrics seem to be personal messages just for me. I start to have visions during my daily meditations. And all these insights and downloads are always 100% accurate, comforting and loving. 

I go see an energy healer and tell her about some of these experiences and about the spinning and vibrating sensations I felt during that yoga class years before. She tells me about the universal life force called Reiki and what a powerful healing modality it is. She explains about my aura and my subtle body, made up of energy channels, and about my rainbow-colored chakras resonating with sounds and vibrations. And I’m so grateful to finally learn how it all fits together! I now understand why hearing the chant “OM” 20 years ago had such an impact: it is the sound of the 6th chakra, the Third Eye, and it brought to my awareness the spinning of my chakras, the pulsing quality of my energy channels and the vibrations of the Universe all around us. 

Are you wondering if you’re experiencing some kind of spiritual awakening right now? Are you seeing angel numbers or receiving downloads from the Universe? Do you wonder what it all means? Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

I receive messages from the Universe

I came away from this period in my life with the ability to heal myself from grief by embracing the inter-connectedness of all things. I used yoga to clear stuck heavy emotions out of my physical body. I meditated to quiet my mind and to release negative thoughts. I connected with the Universe for clarity and guidance. And I harnessed Reiki life force energy so that I could bring forth profound healing and alignment. 

Today, I feel energy everywhere, all around me. I constantly receive insights and messages from the Universe guiding me on how I can help the people I meet: 

  • the energetic reason why someone has a tight hip or a tense shoulder and how they can release that pain, 
  • the simple practice that will help someone calm their busy mind and let go of negative spiraling thoughts, 
  • the one step someone needs to take to get unstuck so they can manifest the life of their dreams and experience bliss right now. 

If you’re a conscious, heart-centered leader, on your own deep healing journey, and you feel drawn to manifesting your dream life by harmonizing your whole being: body, mind and spirit… Let’s connect for a free 20-minute discovery call and explore how I can support you on your path to alignment and inner peace:

Are you ready to create a profound shift?

As an energy healer, yoga and meditation teacher, and spiritual coach, my work focuses on helping my clients do the deep inner work. Together, we can define your most inspiring dreams, dismantle the blocks that stand in your way and create a plan and process to manifest everything that you wish to build and create in your life.

I am an experienced yoga and meditation teacher with over 30 years of practice and I am registered with the international Yoga Alliance under the highest designation of E-RYT 500.

I am also a Level 4 Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui-Tibetan tradition and I specialize in Distance Reiki, offering personalized 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom and working with clients around the world, including the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

I’d love to chat! Click here and schedule your free 20-minute discovery call:

Release Trapped Emotions

Get free, unlimited access to this Masterclass Replay, where you’ll learn how to let go of negative emotions that have gotten trapped inside your aura and your physical body, by using:

  • Gentle Yoga
  • Guided Meditation and
  • Distance Energy Healing
Figure of women representing balancing of chakras