Are you familiar with the three Saturn Returns? These astrology milestones mark pivotal moments of growth and transformation in our lives. And while we all experience them, most people do so without awareness. But if you can approach these events with knowledge of the energetic undercurrents and with the intention of reaping as much benefit as possible, you’ll be able to navigate these transformations much more easily. Here’s what to look for:
What is Saturn Return?
In astrology, Saturn Return is the moment when the planet Saturn appears in your chart at the exact same place it was when you were born. In other words, Saturn has passed through all 12 zodiac signs and has returned to the same position where it was on the day of your birth. This phenomenon is called your Saturn Return and it takes place about every 29 years.
At what age is your Saturn Return?
Saturn’s trajectory through the zodiac lasts about 29 years, but the energetic influence of your Saturn Returns can be felt for a few years each time the planet enters that part of your chart. Your First Saturn Return will take place in your late 20s, roughly ages 27 to 31: you leave youth behind, enter adulthood and start to figure out who you truly are. Your Second Saturn Return is at age 58, but actually lasts from about 56 to 60: you refine your identity and you still have time to course correct if you have not yet found fulfillment. And your Third Saturn Return (if you’re lucky enough to experience it) is at about age 87, but really from 84 to 90: you enter your wisest years and can become an elder of your community.
What happens during Your Saturn Return?
Because the planet Saturn governs ambition, responsibility and discipline, each Saturn Return can feel like a nudge to adjust your life’s path and embrace change. It’s about asking yourself all the big questions: What is the meaning of it all? What is my purpose? Am I spiritually evolving? It can be a time of deep introspection and growth. This period often involves stepping (or being pushed) out of your comfort zone, so you can find fulfillment in all areas of your life. While it may be tough to learn these lessons, the resulting transformation can help you get closer to the person you want to become.
What to expect during your Second Saturn Return
Your Second Saturn Return, in your late 50s, brings a unique flavor and can be especially impactful if you’re willing to embrace this energy of change and not try to resist it. It is a beautiful opportunity to make the most of your midlife years and embrace the accumulated strengths, knowledge and skills you’ve developed. By this time, you have decades of wisdom and experience under your belt, and you know how to approach challenges with a greater sense of clarity and resilience. You have a better understanding of your life’s purpose and you are willing to choose a more fulfilling and aligned existence. Your best tools for navigating the sometimes difficult emotions brought on by your Second Saturn Return are: self-reflection and self-awareness (I highly recommend exploring spiritual journaling as a powerful practice of self-discovery. Check out my blog post here:
The 4 Themes of the Second Saturn Return:
- Legacy and Purpose: As you reach this time in your life, it’s natural to feel the need to reflect on the legacy you want to leave behind. This is a chance to examine your life choices and accomplishments so far, and ask yourself about the impact you’d like to make in the world. It’s not too late to pursue these dreams and passions that you may have set aside when you were younger. This might show up as a strong desire to explore new careers or dive into new hobbies.
- Shifting Priorities: Now is the time to define success on your own terms and not concern yourself too much with meeting societal expectations. Maybe success used to mean accumulating riches and recognition, but now you find yourself prioritizing free time and peace of mind. How you spend your days and the simple joys of life might become highly important to you. It’s about asking yourself: Am I really happy? Am I enjoying my life?
- Strengthening Relationships: Our second Saturn Return invites us to notice and nurture the relationships that truly matter. Again it’s about finding joy in the day to day life. Getting profound fulfillment in your human interactions becomes a requirement for happiness. And so you find yourself paying special attention and noticing which relationships serve your highest good and which ones don’t. You make a concerted effort to surround yourself with love and support and you let go of toxic connections.
- Sharing Our Wisdom: This is also the time when you might realize your invaluable role as mentor and guide to the younger generations. Having acquired decades of knowledge (probably in several different fields) and having survived much suffering and many heartbreaks, you can now share what you’ve learned with young people, whether that is through teaching or coaching, or by letting your life be an example of how to be resilient. By sharing your wisdom and experiences, you can help lead the collective consciousness.
Is it a Midlife Crisis or is it your Second Saturn Return?
It’s fascinating (and not at all a coincidence) that the time period when a “midlife crisis” might happen is also precisely when your Second Saturn Return takes place. Being ready for this transformative period, and understanding the immense benefits it can bring to your life, is how you avoid a crisis and embrace an evolution instead. It’s about clearly seeing your spiritual path so far, and not sinking into fears of mortality. You find that delicate balance between self-reflection and self-compassion. You take the time to honor your life’s journey, celebrating victories and acknowledging struggles with kindness and acceptance. Your Second Saturn Return can be a beautiful opportunity to shine forth more authentically as who you truly are.
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PS: If you’re in the midst of your Saturn Return and struggling to find clarity and to reconnect to joy, I’d love to support and guide you. Here’s the link to schedule an energy healing session with me on zoom: distance reiki
Release What No Longer Serves You
Be sure to also check out my Free Masterclass Replay on letting go of stuck emotions like: stress, overwhelm, anger and grief. I’m super happy and excited to share with you this transformative emotional release practice to help you find sustainable peace of mind.